Remote Working During the COVID Crisis: How to Ensure a Smooth Transition for your Business Processes

By EmmaMay 15, 2020

The Coronavirus pandemic has forced a change in working life. The vast majority have had to quickly adopt remote working practices and embrace new technologies. But remote working is nothing new; the current global situation has merely sped up our adoption.

Two women on video callImage: ©fizkes via

Companies for a long time have seen the benefits of remote working. Lower premises costs help the bottom line and flexible working improves employee morale and increases staff retention. While this is certainly a difficult time for us, many people are embracing the extra daily hours lockdown has given us to make positive changes in our personal lives. It’s also a great opportunity to make some positive changes in our work lives. Now is the time to embrace remote working and reap the benefits.

That being said, there are still some challenges for businesses to overcome when adopting a new remote working environment – namely, the imperative operation of processing business expenses. Looking at the situation we find ourselves in now and the prospect of remote working as the norm, manual paper-based expense processes do not fit into the new sphere of remote working. While the volume of expense claims may be reduced due to the lockdown and travel bans in many countries, the infrastructure around getting employee expenses approved and processed in a completely remote environment is one fraught with difficulties.

ExpenseIn offers a solution to this problem; being cloud-based offers accessibility to all, regardless of when you can get back into the office. This is facilitated through our powerful web application and intuitive mobile app. All of this means you can keep your company’s expenses moving while keeping your employees at home.

Cloud-based software as a service is a world away from on-premise procedures that offer no scalability or flexibility. In our current environment, businesses first priorities should be facilitating remote working solutions to keep your business running. Then, in this window of reduced operations, you should consider what projects can be completed that will be beneficial for when work picks back up. It’s important to remember that these projects should allow for agility, responsiveness and compatibility with new remote working environments.

Businesses may have some reluctancy to spend money on new projects at such an uncertain time, but the two things that always ring true in business are time and money. These two things are now more important than ever going into a new post-COVID-19 world. Expense management solutions like ExpenseIn provide a platform that effectively helps with both. Time is saved through converting a manual process into an automated one and money is saved through a multitude of ways, such as reclaiming VAT that you didn’t before and getting control over business expenditure with powerful reporting features to ensure smarter financial decisions.

As the world changes and people have to, at least physically, stay further apart we believe that there are ways to keep us together. We pride ourselves on our first class and friendly support and believe this is now more important than ever to help keep ourselves connected.