How a Financial Controller Contributes to Corporate Strategy

By Ashley FerroSeptember 22, 2023

The financial controller (FC) is a dynamic role, balancing between detailed accounting, strategic financial planning, and leadership. A good financial controller is both a meticulous accountant and a visionary strategist, ensuring accuracy while driving efficiency. 

As businesses evolve, so does this role. Today, companies expect their financial controllers to be more than just number crunchers; they're looking for strategic thinkers.  

Let's dive deeper into what makes a financial controller tick and how their responsibilities are shaping modern businesses. 

What is a Financial Controller? 

A financial controller is the cornerstone of a company's financial integrity and precision. Often regarded as the backbone of an organisation's financial department, they ensure that the financial statements are not only accurate but also compliant with laws and regulations. 

This position is occasionally referred to as the "comptroller." 

Primary Responsibilities of a Financial Controller 

  • Financial oversight: They supervise the company's financial activities, ensuring that ledgers accurately reflect the money flowing in and out. 

  • Budgeting & forecasting: Using historical data and current market trends, they predict future financial outcomes and set budgets accordingly. 

  • Regulatory compliance: They ensure that all financial reports adhere to local and international accounting standards. 

  • Internal audits: Regularly reviewing financial processes to identify and rectify any discrepancies or inefficiencies. 

  • Strategic planning: Assisting in shaping the company's future by providing financial insights and data-driven recommendations. 

The Financial Controller Job Description 

A financial controller stands as a pivotal figure within the finance department, often holding a senior leadership position. Those aspiring to this role should come equipped with a deep understanding of accounting and tax matters, coupled with a proven track record of leading teams and overseeing the company's financial records. 

However, the role demands more than just numerical prowess. An effective controller is a proactive organiser and a driving force, ensuring the broader organisation adheres to financial guidelines and protocols.  

Workable succinctly describes the role in their Financial Controller job description template:

"Finance Controllers are the keepers of an organisation’s accounting and regulatory compliance. They're responsible for managing information technologies, insurance, sales tax reporting, and federal income taxes, along with outside audits from CPA firms. They are often involved in detailed tasks that exceed their bookkeeping skills. In some environments, their duties extend to project management and other functions beyond accounting, like compliance."

Financial Controller vs. Other Financial Roles 

While the title might sound similar, a financial controller's role is distinct from other financial positions, especially when compared to a Chief Financial Officer (CFO). 

Financial Controller (FC): 

  • Focus: Primarily on the past and present financial activities of the company. 

  • Scope: Ensures accuracy in financial reporting, compliance, and day-to-day financial operations. 

  • Skill set: Deep expertise in accounting, auditing, and financial regulations. 

Chief Financial Officer (CFO): 

  • Focus: Primarily on the company's future financial strategy and growth. 

  • Scope: Oversees the broader financial strategy, investment opportunities, and risk management. 

  • Skill set: A blend of accounting expertise and strategic vision, often with a knack for leadership and stakeholder management. 

In short, as The CFO Centre put it:

"The controller looks to the short term, the CFO is long-term. The controller helps make sure your company is compliant with issues, whereas the CFO focuses on the broader strategic direction."

While both roles are pivotal to a company's financial health, a financial controller ensures the financial foundation is solid, whereas a CFO builds upon that foundation to drive the company's financial growth and strategy. 

The Strategic Contribution of Financial Controllers 

Two people discussing financial reportsImage: ©wutzkoh via

Influencing Decision-Making Processes 

At the heart of every successful business lies informed decision-making, and financial controllers play a pivotal role in shaping these decisions. With their finger on the pulse of the company's financial health, they provide invaluable insights that drive strategic choices. 

  • Data-driven insights: Financial controllers delve deep into financial data, extracting actionable insights that can guide business strategies. 

  • Risk assessment: By evaluating financial risks and rewards, they ensure that every business decision is grounded in fiscal reality. 

  • Stakeholder communication: Acting as a bridge between the financial department and other business units, they ensure that all stakeholders have the financial information they need to make informed decisions. 

Forecasting & Budgeting: The Crystal Ball of Business 

Forecasting and budgeting are more than just numbers on a spreadsheet; they're the roadmap to a company's future. And no one understands this better than a financial controller. 

  • Predictive analysis: Using historical data and current market trends, financial controllers predict future revenues and expenses, helping businesses prepare for what's ahead. 

  • Resource allocation: With a clear forecast in hand, they guide how resources - both monetary and manpower - are allocated to ensure optimal growth and profitability. 

  • Performance review: By comparing actual financial outcomes with forecasts, they identify areas of improvement, ensuring that the company is always on the path to financial excellence. 

Driving Innovation & Efficiency 

Staying ahead of the curve is paramount. Financial controllers are often at the forefront of driving innovation within the organisation, ensuring that the company remains competitive and efficient. 

  • Technological advancements: They champion the adoption of the latest financial software and technologies, streamlining processes and enhancing data accuracy. 

  • Operational efficiency: By continuously analysing financial workflows, they identify bottlenecks and implement solutions, ensuring that the financial department operates at peak efficiency. 

  • Cost management: Through meticulous analysis, financial controllers pinpoint areas of unnecessary expenditure, recommending cost-saving measures that can significantly boost the company's bottom line. 

  • Collaborative initiatives: Recognising the interdependence of departments, they often collaborate with other teams, introducing financial strategies that can optimise overall organisational performance. 

Financial Controls & Their Impact on Strategy 

Woman on laptop puts hand on policies and procedures foldersImage: ©tumsasedgars via

What are Financial Controls? 

Financial controls are the procedures, policies, and means by which an organisation's resources are safeguarded and efficiently utilised. They act as the guardrails that ensure financial transactions are executed correctly and are in alignment with the company's objectives. 

  • Audit trails: These controls ensure that every financial transaction can be traced back to its source, promoting transparency and accountability. 

  • Authorisation protocols: By setting clear approval hierarchies, financial controls ensure that expenditures and investments align with company objectives. 

  • Reconciliation procedures: Regular checks ensure that the company's financial records match actual cash flows, preventing discrepancies and fraud. 

The Strategic Power of Robust Financial Controls 

When financial controls are robust and effective, they do more than just prevent errors—they become a strategic asset. 

  • Informed decision-making: With accurate financial data at their fingertips, leaders can make decisions that are both timely and informed, driving the company forward. 

  • Risk mitigation: Strong controls reduce the risk of financial mismanagement, fraud, and other fiscal pitfalls that can derail a company's strategy. 

  • Resource optimisation: By ensuring that resources are used efficiently and in line with the company's goals, financial controls support strategic growth and expansion. 

  • Stakeholder confidence: Investors, partners, and other stakeholders have greater confidence in a company with solid financial controls, leading to increased investment and collaboration opportunities. 

Key Skills & Qualities of an Effective Financial Controller 

Understanding the role of a financial controller is just the beginning. To truly excel, one must embody a blend of technical expertise and strategic vision.  

Here's a deep dive into the essential skills and qualities that elevate a financial controller from good to great. 

1. Building Trust

Trust isn't just a virtue; in the realm of finance, it's a currency.

For a financial controller, building and maintaining trust can make the difference between being seen as a mere functionary and being recognised as a pivotal leader within the organisation.

Here's why trust is invaluable and how to foster it:

  • Transparency in reporting: Clear, consistent, and honest financial reporting isn't just about compliance; it's a statement of integrity. By ensuring that all financial statements and reports are accurate and transparent, a financial controller sets the tone for trustworthiness throughout the organisation.

  • Open communication: Trust thrives in an environment of open dialogue. Regularly updating stakeholders, addressing concerns proactively, and being available for queries can solidify the financial controller's position as a reliable point of contact.

  • Consistent actions: Trust is built over time and can be eroded with inconsistency. By consistently making decisions that align with the company's values and best interests, a financial controller reinforces their reputation for dependability.

2. Strategic Vision

As mentioned previously, a financial controller's role extends beyond managing numbers; it's about foresight.

While daily tasks involve detailed financial operations, the true essence lies in anticipating what's next.

By analysing market trends and aligning them with the company's goals, a financial controller crafts strategies that not only address today's challenges but also pave the way for future opportunities.

This proactive approach ensures the company remains agile and prepared, no matter what the financial landscape presents.

3. Technological Adaptability

Today's financial controller needs more than just accounting skills; they need technological agility. That's where utilising automation tools comes in.  

For financial controllers, it's not just about speeding up tasks - it's about enhancing accuracy. With automation, processes like invoice management are streamlined. Instead of manually entering each invoice detail, the system can handle it, reducing the risk of errors. 

This shift allows financial controllers to focus on more strategic aspects of their role. It's about working smarter, not harder, and ensuring that every financial decision is backed by accurate data.

4. Continuous Learning & Adaptability 

Finance is a dynamic field. For financial controllers, blending solid expertise with the ability to adapt is crucial. 

  • Growth mindset: Finance isn't static. It evolves, and so should we. Continuous learning isn't just a buzzword; it's our compass in this ever-changing world. 

  • Never stop learning: Whether it's a workshop, an online course, or a seminar, every learning opportunity is a step forward. It's not just about adding to our knowledge; it's about refining our expertise. 

  • Staying in the know: Financial regulations shift and change. Being vigilant ensures we're not just compliant but also that we're safeguarding our organisation's financial future. 

In short, being a top-notch financial controller is about blending the tried and true with the new, ensuring we're both relatable and razor-sharp in our professional journey. 

How to Become a Financial Controller: Your Action Plan 

Woman shaking hands after successful job interviewImage: ©sturti via

1. Kickstart with the Right Education 

Opt for a degree in subjects like Maths, Business, or Economics. These will provide a solid foundation for your financial career. 

2. Choose Your Professional Qualification 

Each qualification offers unique insights and skills. Decide based on your career aspirations: 


  • Ideal for a broad understanding of global finance. 

  • Duration: ~5 years, including work experience. 


  • Best for those looking to delve into management accountancy. 

  • Duration: 3-4 years. 


  • Perfect for those targeting roles in England and Wales. 

  • Duration: ~3 years, inclusive of work experience. 

3. Gain Relevant Experience 

Even before completing your qualification, try to secure internships or entry-level roles in finance. This hands-on experience is invaluable. 

4. Sharpen These Essential Skills 

  • Effective communication: Take courses or workshops to enhance your ability to convey complex financial data simply and clearly. 

  • Analytical thinking: Consider additional courses in data analysis or financial modelling. Being able to interpret complex data sets is a game-changer. 

  • Time management: Explore tools and techniques to manage tight deadlines, especially during critical financial periods. 

5. Network Actively 

  • Join professional bodies: Being a member of institutions related to your qualification (like ACCA or CIMA) can provide networking opportunities. 

  • Attend workshops and seminars: Regularly participate in industry events to stay updated and meet potential mentors or employers. 

6. Seek Mentorship 

Find a seasoned financial controller or CFO willing to guide you. Their insights and advice can be instrumental in navigating your career path. 

Remember, becoming a financial controller is a journey, not a destination. Each step you take, from education to networking, adds value to your profile and brings you closer to that coveted role. Stay proactive, keep learning, and you'll find yourself well-prepared to take on the challenges of the role. 

Financial Controller: Final Thoughts 

Navigating the world of finance isn't just about crunching numbers. It's about understanding the heartbeat of a business, making informed decisions, and guiding a company towards its future.  

Financial controllers are central to this mission, ensuring every financial move aligns with the company's vision. Yet, there's a common misconception: they're often seen as just the "numbers people" while strategic roles are reserved for CFOs. 

This perspective needs a refresh. Controllers are well-equipped to think both tactically and strategically. Their role is evolving, and it's crucial we recognise and harness their potential. 

As we've journeyed through the multifaceted world of financial controllership, it's clear that the future is about blending accuracy with agility, detail with vision. If you're inspired to redefine your financial processes and embrace this dynamic approach, let's take the next step together.  

Discover the potential with ExpenseIn and book a demo today. Let's craft your financial future.