2024 Update on Enhanced Reporting Requirements in Ireland: What Employers Need to Know

By Ashley FerroNovember 20, 2023

Starting January 2024, Irish employers will encounter new Enhanced Reporting Requirements (ERR) due to changes in the Finance Act 2022. This shift means more detailed and timely reporting of employee expenses and benefits.  

Our article breaks down these changes and how they impact your business, from small benefit exemptions to remote working allowances.

Get ready to navigate these new reporting waters with confidence and ensure your business stays compliant and ahead of the curve. 

Understanding the New Enhanced Reporting Requirements (ERR)

The upcoming changes in Enhanced Reporting Requirements (ERR) in Ireland, effective from January 2024, are a significant shift for employers. These changes stem from the Finance Act 2022, specifically Section 897C, which introduces enhanced reporting obligations for Irish employers.  

Let's break down what this means: 

Summary of the Finance Act 2022 & Section 897C 

The Finance Act 2022 is a comprehensive piece of legislation that includes various tax-related provisions. One of the key elements within this Act is Section 897C, which focuses on employer reporting requirements.  

This section mandates more detailed reporting from employers to the Revenue Commissioners, the Irish tax authority. The goal is to ensure greater transparency and compliance in the realm of employee benefits and expenses. 

What are the Key Changes to Enhanced Reporting Requirements for Employers? 

Key Changes in Reporting RequirementsStarting in 2024, Irish employers will need to report more specific details about certain types of payments and benefits provided to employees. This enhanced level of reporting aims to provide a clearer picture of non-taxable payments and benefits, enhancing compliance and policy decision-making.  

Here are the main changes: 

  • More detailed information: Employers will be required to report more granular details about the benefits and allowances paid to employees. 

  • Timely reporting: The information must be reported in a timely manner, aligning with the payroll reporting schedule. 

  • Digital submission: The submission of these details will primarily be through digital platforms, like the Revenue Online Service (ROS), ensuring efficiency and accuracy. 

What Categories Will Be Affected? 

What Categories Will Be AffectedSeveral categories of employee benefits and allowances are specifically targeted by these new reporting requirements. Understanding these categories will help employers prepare for the changes: 

  • Small benefit exemption: This refers to certain small benefits (under €1,000) that employers can provide to employees tax-free. Under the new rules, employers must report the date and value of these benefits. 

  • Remote working daily allowance: For employees working remotely, employers can provide daily allowances. The new requirements mandate reporting the total number of days, the amount paid, and the date of payment. 

  • Travel and subsistence: This includes payments for travel and subsistence expenses. Employers will need to report detailed information, including the nature of the travel, the amount, and the date of payment. 

  • Other categories: There may be additional categories affected, such as site-based employee allowances and emergency travel expenses. 

Challenges Posed by Enhanced Reporting Requirements 

The new Enhanced Reporting Requirements coming into effect in 2024 present several challenges for Irish businesses. These challenges revolve around adapting to more detailed reporting processes, ensuring accuracy, and understanding the consequences of non-compliance.  

Here's a breakdown: 

1. Increased Detail & Complexity in Reporting 

Businesses must now handle a greater volume of data with more specifics.  

For example, if previously you reported a total annual figure for employee travel expenses, now you'll need to detail each trip, including dates, destinations, and individual costs. 


  • Implement advanced expense management software: Opt for a software solution like ExpenseIn, which is tailored to capture detailed expense data. This software can automatically log the date, amount, and nature of each expense as it occurs, streamlining the process of detailed reporting and reducing manual effort. 

  • Enhance data collection processes: Update your data collection methods to ensure that every financial transaction or employee benefit is meticulously recorded. Introduce user-friendly digital tools that guide your team through reporting their expenses clearly and completely, without the hassle of spreadsheets. 

  • Regular training and communication: Keep your team informed and trained on the new requirements. Regular workshops or training sessions can help employees understand what data needs to be captured and how to do it correctly. This ensures that the data collected from the start is accurate and comprehensive, making the reporting process smoother. 

2. The Imperative of Accuracy & Timeliness 

With more detailed data to report, the potential for errors increases. Inaccurate reporting can lead to misrepresentations, potentially resulting in compliance issues or financial penalties. 

But it's not just about getting the details right; timeliness is equally critical. 

Reports must be submitted within specified deadlines. Late submissions can lead to penalties, making timely reporting as crucial as accuracy. 


  • Regular data verification: Implement a system that routinely checks the accuracy of data against source documents. ExpenseIn’s expense management system can streamline this process, automatically comparing entries in expense reports to the original physical receipts, e-receipts, or transaction records. This ensures that, even before review, the data is consistent and precise, minimising the need for manual oversight. 

  • Set earlier internal deadlines: To avoid the last-minute rush, set your own deadlines ahead of the official ones. It's like giving yourself a head start in a race. If the report is due at the end of the month, aim to have it ready a week earlier. This way, you have extra time to review everything and make sure it's perfect. 

  • Automated deadline reminders: Take advantage of expense management software that tracks reporting deadlines and sends gentle nudges to ensure timely preparation and submission of reports. This helps maintain a steady workflow and prevents any oversight in meeting crucial deadlines. 

3. Adapting to New Systems & Processes 

The shift to more detailed reporting means that many existing systems may no longer suffice. They might lack the capability to handle the increased volume and specificity of data required.  

Also, employees responsible for payroll and reporting will need to understand and adapt to these new requirements, which can be a significant change from their current processes. 


  • System upgrades: Upgrading or adopting new software like ExpenseIn can be a game-changer. These systems are designed to handle detailed data inputs and can significantly streamline the reporting process. For example, a business that previously used spreadsheets for tracking expenses might find that a specialised tool like ExpenseIn can automate and simplify this process, ensuring that all necessary details are captured accurately. 

  • Comprehensive training programs: Implementing new software is only effective if employees know how to use it properly. Organising comprehensive training programs is essential. These programs should not only cover the technical aspects of the new software but also the new Enhanced Reporting Requirements. For example, training sessions could include practical exercises on entering and categorising expenses in the new system, as well as understanding the nuances of what needs to be reported under the new guidelines. 

  • Ongoing support and resources: Change can be challenging, so providing ongoing support is key. This could include having a dedicated team or resources available for employees to reach out to with questions. Creating user guides or FAQs about the new system and processes can also help employees adapt more quickly and reduce the likelihood of errors. 

4. Potential Risks of Non-Compliance 

Potential Risks of Non-ComplianceAs Irish businesses approach the 2024 ERR, understanding the potential risks of non-compliance is crucial. These risks aren't just about paying fines; they can have far-reaching impacts on a company's reputation, operations, and legal standing.  

Let's explore these risks and how businesses can proactively mitigate them: 

Financial Penalties 

Failing to meet the new standards can lead to financial penalties. These fines can vary, potentially becoming quite substantial, especially if non-compliance is ongoing or involves significant errors. 

Imagine a business that overlooks reporting the details of remote working allowances. This oversight could lead to a fine, which might increase if the mistake isn't corrected promptly. 

Mitigation Strategy: To avoid such penalties, businesses should invest in robust reporting systems and regular compliance checks. For instance, using a system like ExpenseIn can help ensure that all necessary details are captured and reported correctly. 

Reputational Impact 

Non-compliance can tarnish a company's image. This could affect relationships with clients, partners, and the public, leading to a loss of trust and potentially impacting future business opportunities. 

For example, if a company is publicly known for failing to comply with reporting standards, it might lose the confidence of its clients or face public criticism, which can be damaging in the long term. 

Mitigation Strategy: Maintaining transparency and demonstrating a commitment to compliance can help. Regularly communicating with stakeholders about the steps the company is taking to adhere to the new standards can build trust and show responsibility. 

Operational Disruptions 

Addressing non-compliance issues can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, diverting attention from regular business activities. This can lead to operational disruptions and inefficiencies. 

For instance, a company found non-compliant may need to allocate staff to rectify reporting errors, taking them away from their usual tasks and potentially impacting other areas of the business. 

Mitigation Strategy: Implementing efficient reporting processes and training staff adequately can help minimise the risk of non-compliance, thus avoiding operational disruptions. Regular audits and checks can ensure ongoing compliance without significant disruption to daily operations. 

Persistent non-compliance could escalate to more severe legal and regulatory consequences, such as audits, investigations, or even legal action. 

Continuous failure to comply with reporting requirements could trigger an audit by regulatory authorities, for example, leading to a thorough examination of the company's financial practices. 

Mitigation Strategy: To prevent such scenarios, it's important to have a strong compliance culture within the organisation. This includes regular training, clear communication of policies, and a proactive approach to adapting to new regulations. 

How to Prepare for the Transition to 2024 Enhanced Reporting Requirements 

How to Prepare for the Transition

  1. Understand the new requirements: Begin by immersing yourself in the new reporting guidelines in Ireland. This could involve reading the official documentation, attending industry webinars, or even consulting with a financial expert. A deep understanding of what's changing is crucial for a smooth transition. 

  2. Evaluate your current reporting process: Take a close look at your existing reporting methods. Identify the areas that will be most impacted by the new requirements and figure out what needs to be updated or changed. This step is about knowing where you stand and what you need to improve. 

  3. Explore and implement efficient tools: Investigate tools like ExpenseIn that are designed to ease the expense reporting process. Test these tools in your environment to ensure they integrate well with your existing systems and meet your specific needs. 

  4. Train your team: Organise comprehensive training sessions for your staff. These should cover the new ERR and how to use any new software or tools you're implementing. Ensure everyone involved understands the changes and how to apply them in their work. 

  5. Run a pilot test: Before the new standards officially kick in, conduct a trial run with your updated reporting process. This pilot test will help you spot any issues or gaps, allowing you to make necessary adjustments before the deadline. 

  6. Set up a support system: Establish a support structure within your organisation. This could be a dedicated team or individual who can answer questions and provide assistance as everyone adapts to the new processes. 

  7. Regularly review and update your processes: Keep an eye on your new reporting process and continuously refine it. Stay informed about any updates or further changes to the ERR and adjust your processes accordingly. 

  8. Communicate with stakeholders: Keep open lines of communication with all stakeholders, including employees, management, and clients. Inform them about how these changes might impact your operations and any new procedures they need to be aware of. 

  9. Ensure compliance: Regularly check that your reporting aligns with the new standards. Consider setting up internal audits or reviews to consistently maintain compliance and address any issues promptly. 

  10. Plan for contingencies: Have a backup plan ready for potential challenges, such as technical issues or other unforeseen obstacles. This ensures that you can keep operations running smoothly even when faced with unexpected problems. 

Ready to streamline your reporting process for 2024? Book a demo with ExpenseIn today and discover how our tailored solutions can simplify your compliance journey.