"It has massively cut down on the paperwork and processing of entries."

W Denis Insurance Brokers

Insurance Brokers


Leeds, England

Products used

Invoicing icon

Invoicing module

Reduced paperwork and streamlined invoicing with a more efficient payment process.

Mobile phone icon

Expense management

Simplified expense processing and eliminated manual data entry.

W Denis Insurance Brokers is an independent broker focused on creating custom insurance solutions for challenging risks. Serving a wide range of industries, from aviation to sports and leisure, they offer a personalised service to businesses of all sizes.

Overcoming a paper-heavy invoice process

Before ExpenseIn, W Denis Insurance Brokers relied heavily on scanning documents and using spreadsheets for their invoicing process, which led to delays and inconsistencies in payments.

W Denis Insurance Brokers recalls:

“Our previous process required a lot of paper scanning, spreadsheets and manual entry into Sage, which took significant time to complete and made it hard for us to have a consistent process of setting up a single day in the week for payment of invoices.”

Choosing an efficient, paperless system

After considering several options, W Denis Insurance Brokers opted for ExpenseIn because of its intuitive features and ability to streamline and digitise their workflow.

The mobile app also made managing expenses on the go easier.

“We were looking for a system which was simple, easy to use, and allowed us to remove paperwork and manual entry. The use of a mobile app for processing expenses was also a massive benefit.”

ExpenseIn cut paperwork & streamlined payments

With ExpenseIn, W Denis Insurance Brokers drastically reduced paperwork and eliminated the need for manual data entry into Sage.

This streamlined process allows them to consistently manage payments weekly.

“It has massively cut down on the paperwork and processing of entries. No more scanning mass number of invoices in, no more manual entry into Sage. This is all done at the point of processing in Expensein and has allowed us to set up a payment process where one day a week we can make payments.”

Integrating with Sage

Integrating ExpenseIn with Sage has automated their previous manual processes, consolidating tasks into one efficient workflow.

“Massive time benefits from having to manually enter into Sage. Since we do it at the point of attaching invoices to Expensein, it has automated all of the previous processes into one place.”

Positive reception by end-users

Employees responsible for uploading invoices have found ExpenseIn’s system quick and easy to use, leading to significant time savings.

“For those who upload invoices into the system they find it quick, easy and efficient which saves massive amounts of time on what was a manual and paper-based process prior."

Get started with ExpenseIn today

Explore our faster, simpler and smarter approach to expense management.

Book a demo