What Expense ‘Personalities’ Do You Have in Your Business?

By EmmaJune 14, 2017

–This article was last updated on 25 March 2022-

Let’s face it, we are all different, but it is these differences that make the world a more interesting place. Different roles, personalities and behaviours all combine to create a productive workforce. However, trying to balance out the many ‘personalities’ in your business into a manageable expense process for your finance department can be difficult!

Mockup of people in different coloursImage: ©Vaniatos via canva.com

So what ‘personality’ types could be affecting your expense process?

The Big Spenders

Some people can tend to get a bit carried away when they know the company is picking up the bill. Without a strict limit in place the spending can keep racking up, leading to hefty reimbursements. ExpenseIn allows you to reign these employees back in. Customisable limits can be set for out of pocket spending or even for specific expense categories, meaning you can stop worrying about any awkward conversations at the end of the month.

The Late Submitters

We all have that one friend who turns up late for everything (if you can’t think who it is, chances are it’s you!) Unfortunately, many people carry this habit over to expenses. Late submissions can mean employees are left out of pocket when claims get rejected. They can also be a burden on your finance team, disrupting their workflow by trying to put through claims at the wrong time. Our solution? Automated email reminders, this will be just the motivation your employees need to make sure they never have an excuse for late submissions again.

The Rule Breakers

As much as we may trust employees, unfortunately, some people abuse this trust. Although we hope it is not a common problem for you, fraudulent expense claims can cost your company a lot if they are not resolved quickly and effectively. We have put some quick tools in place to combat many attempted fraudulent claims. Mileage expenses are one of the most commonly fiddled claims. With ExpenseIn, you can enforce postcode-to-postcode entry and set tolerance limits to keep mileage claims in check. Our automatic duplication detection also flags up any repeated expense claims.

The Busy Bee

Senior managers can sometimes seem like they never stop. When you are busy enough to require a PA, the chances of finding time to submit your expense claims is not top of your list of priorities. This is where our PA assist feature comes into its own. Set your PA up to create and submit expenses on your behalf, giving time back to the people who need it.

The Nomad

Work is not always confined to the office. Many roles today have people travelling far and wide; this makes getting expense claims to the finance team a hassle. ExpenseIn makes the most of mobile technology to keep your workers connected wherever they are. A quick snap of a receipt and a few taps on your phone is all that’s required to submit an expense.

Employing an expense management solution like ExpenseIn gets rid of the ambiguity over how employees may interpret your company expense policy. In its place are automated policy enforcements and intuitive software that makes creating and submitting expense claims hassle-free for your employees.

Infographic: Different expenses personalities