Great New Features in May

By JackMay 8, 2016

As you know, the ExpenseIn development team is always busy coming up with new ways to make your life easier and this month is no exception. We bring you some great new features.

Alarm clock with time to update signImage: ©solidcolours via

First off, we have a new overview page in the My Expenses section that lets you see at a glance everything you need to know about your own expense claims. There is a breakdown of your annual expenditure by category, a summary of your annual mileage claims, information about your approval flows and policies as well as alerts to keep you up to date on what you need to know.

My Expenses Overview

Next up, some great improvements to mileage claim handling.

When you enter your ‘from’ and ‘to’ locations, ExpenseIn uses Google maps to calculate the distance between the two locations for you. You can override this of course and naturally if you mark the journey as a return trip then the mileage is automatically doubled.

Administrators can now add a mileage policy rule to restrict mileage claims to within a fixed percentage of the calculated distance. No more accidental claims for 500 miles when the intended distance was 50! While we are on the subject of what admins can do with mileage, rates can now be configured to have a maximum annual mileage too. So for example, in the UK you might want to set your standard car and van rate to have a maximum 10,000 mile limit to bring your claims in line with the tax system.

Favourites – you asked and we have provided! Mark any expense you create as a favourite and it will appear in your favourites list. Now you can use it as a template to create new expenses in an instant. Just click the ‘New Expense’ button next to the favourite and a new expense is opened in the editor with all the details of the favourite already filled out. Add a receipt and you are done.

There are a few other small improvements you will find as you navigate the system but those are the main updates. Thanks for listening and keep on ExpenseIn!